Burns Night 2015
Last night was the bands annual Burns Supper.
Below is a photo of the haggis being carried in by our Drum Major, John Clarson led by piper Henry Cleaver.
£1567.70 was raised for charity. We enjoyed some excellent speeches, Andrew with the toast to the lassies, Gillian for her apt reply and Eddie with the Immortal Memory and his rendition of the ode ‘To A Mouse’. 95% of which was not understood by 95% of the audience. There was also some frantic Scottish country dancing to Cut The Mustard Ceilidh Band and caller.
A heartfelt thanks to all that attended, both to support our efforts and to join in the fun.
Thanks go to the main organisers Eddie and Anne. Thanks also to the band members and supporters who put a turn in behind the bar; and to those who helped clear up afterwards.